Four of the Best Running Podcasts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

When I started running, I was purely a music gal. It wasn’t until I started running longer distances (and simultaneously commuting 1.5 hours to work) that I started looking into other options for entertainment. Like many, Serial was my gateway into the podcast world – I was hooked. Since then, my library has exploded, but here are four running-related favorites to help you tackle any run on your calendar!

Click each podcast title to check out the show websites.

I’ll Have Another

Lindsey Hein’s podcast makes me laugh, cry, and really think on a regular basis. Sometimes I feel like I might fan girl a little if I met her – but I digress. She crushes the running game, the mom game, and the adorable family game. Her podcast is always entertaining, and focuses on not only runners, but entrepreneurs and leaders. I love the wide variety of guests Lindsey speaks with – from Shelby Houlihan, recent winner of the 1500m and 3000m at the USATF National Championships, to Candice Huffine, plus-size model, creator of Day/Won clothing, and founder of Project Start. Every episode offers a unique conversation filled with authenticity and inspiration that makes your run (or drive, commute, or dog walk) fly by!


The Ali on the Run Show

I started reading Ali’s blog years ago when I first got into running. I admired the open way she shared her life with readers, and to be honest, I thought her picture captions were some of the best I’ve ever seen.  When she launched a podcast, I knew it would be as entertaining and well-thought-out as it is! While her conversations often include running, they cover so much more – career changes, relationships, body confidence and image, social media, training tips for athletes of all types and abilities, health and wellness and travel. Her guests range from Andrea Barber (of Full House fame, now running lover),  Chris Heisler (Run Concierge for Westin Hotels), to her husband, Brian (super successful entrepreneur, cyclist, and perhaps less of a runner – minus is famous Turkey Trots). Allie is warm, energetic, and her hustle is undeniable – definitely check out her podcast, blog, and Instagram (her dog Ellie is amazing)!


Morning Shakeout

Mario Fraioli is an athlete, coach, and journalist – three things that make his insightful, conversational podcast worth listening to! Fraioli interviews top athletes, coaches, authors, entrepreneurs, and personalities in the running world. I’ve especially loved his interviews with ultra runners, which have opened my eyes to this cool crew of trail-loving folk who consider the road marathon “short” and mashed potatoes the ultimate race fuel. Mario asks great questions, which lead to great personal anecdotes and honesty that leave you feeling like you have a better understanding of what makes that person tick.


C Tolle Run

Carrie Tollefson was a member of the 2004 U.S. Olympic Team in the 1500m. Though Carrie would say she never officially retired, she spends her time now interviewing runners (while actually on a run) for her podcast, C Tolle Run. You can also find her on major networks providing awesome commentary of marathon majors and U.S. track and field events. C Tolle Run is especially great if you’re running while listening to them, as you feel like you’re running along with Carrie and her guest (though they’re often dropping paces that would prevent me from saying much of anything)! Carrie is refreshingly real, energetic, and inspiring.

Do you listen to podcasts on the run? What’s your favorite?


Article by Caryn Just – Timonium team member, BQer and all around rockstar runner.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

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